An online Diary for the beginning of another chapter in my life..having a child of our own.. with the hope that when we all look back at this, we will remember all the memories..both happy and sad ones for this are the things that makes our lives colourful....

16 August 2011


Hmm..I must be more vigilent in updating this blog *GRIN*. This is week 25 and my previous update was week 17? LOL! Initial plan for this blog was to update it with short messages everyday! And little did I know how much effort this will take! Anywayyyyy...I am going to try to fill in the gap for the last 2 months! Here goes!

Doc basically confirmed that the gender of the baby when I was roughly 20 weeks. He said: Should a xxx (HAHA! I am not telling you guys. It is a surprise! :P) But hubby was not convinced because we went for our next check up and and asked to doc to confirm again but this time, cant see because baby was shy and closed the legs.

We were suppose to go for our next check up last Saturday but the whole of last week, I was not feeling too well. In fact, I black out few second last Monday but didnt actually faint. I thought it was because the cafeteria was too stuffy and hot. Hence, the near fainting smell. I waited till Thursday and finally when flu like and stomach bug simtom appeared, I went to the doc in the morning.

I basically just asked him to check my blood pressure (some internal instinct or something) and lo blood pressure 100/150!!!! Even the doc looks worried. He said, how about you sit outside, rest first and we check again. 15 minutes later, still the same. Doc wanted me to go to the obgyn immediately but instead, after discussion, agreed that I come back in the afternoon just before 3pm after having a good sleep first and check again.

3pm, guess what..BP still 100/150. We went thru the 15min routine again and still the same. So, off I go to the Obgyn. Doc there was concerned too because historically, I did not have any high blood there. That plus my bodyweight, need to be careful lor. And he gave me pills which I took for 2 days. Makes me groggy, headache and nausea! So bad in fact that I called the hospital and asked. Turn out this is common side effects for first timer taking the pills.

On Saturday night, I finally just too lazy to take them before we go for bbq at hubby's fren place. And checked my pressure the next day. YAHOO!! 90/130! It is dropping without medication. So, I decided to check again during the weekend. AGAIN, it is between 90/130 and 80/120! Discussed with my husband and we decided to stop taking and continue to monitor. And since our doc appointment is this Thursday, we will see then how it is.

I just checked again just now and it is now 90/130. So, not too bad. As long as it is below 100/150 and it should be okay. Must have increased because not sleeping too well last few nights due to work stressed! (SIGH! If only win the lottery jackpot! I will quit my job IMMEDIATELY!HAHA!!!) So, will see this Thursday evening..what the doc says not the lottery! :P

p/s: Oh yar! Gonna ask the doc to confirm again the gender. At the same time ask for the letter for me to go maternity leave early because cannot fly after x-week.

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